Thursday, July 7, 2016


.                                            ECOLOGY
Ecology is a branch of biology which is focused on the examination of living organisms in the natural environment. Ecologists look at how organisms interact with the environment and each other, and they study the complex and interconnected systems which influence life on Earth. Ecology is also sometimes known as environmental biology, and there are a number of subdisciplines within this branch of the sciences which deal with specific topics of interest, such as the relationship between humans and the natural environment.
In the 20th century, ecologists became especially interested in human activities which had a deleterious effect on the environment, recognizing that humans could have a tremendous and not always beneficial influence on nature. For example, dumping pollutants into a river can cause a variety of changes in nature, just as paving over a wetland can eliminate a habitat and put stress on the animals and plants which are used to living there.
                              Types of ecology
Population > a population is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time. questions are related to factors that affect the number of individuals living in a habitat:
> size, distribution of population
> birth and death rates
> population growth rate?
Community > a community consists of the organisms that live in an area and interact
questions focus on
> the interactions between organisms (who eats who, who helps who)
> how those interactions affect community structure
Ecosystem > an ecosystem consists of the biotic (living) community and the abiotic (nonliving) factors that affect it.
> abiotic factors are things such as soil, atmosphere, water, nutrients, energy, temperature
> questions emphasize energy flow and cycling of nutrients
Global > Controls and patterns of worldwide circulation of energy and nutrients
 Agencies working for conservation of ecology in india


We don't have to cut down trees and specially forests because it's a beautiful and peaceful place where you can enjoy nature. Trees are the houses of many birds and little animals. If you cut them down where will they go ? Trees also make the air clean. They produce oxygen. Also, forests bring rain. When people cut down all the trees in an area, the climate changes. It explains why trees are important.